So here I sit in bed at 11:55 on a Monday night.  I have nothing to do tomorrow so do I really need to go to sleep?  Friday I lost my job, which I saw coming.  I was given an account several months ago and repeatedly asked to be taken off of this account as I knew it was driving my work quality down.  At one point they actually took me off of it but immediately started sending me work from it.  I KNEW without a doubt that my work was horrible on it and yet they never offered any form of feedback, thereby making it impossible for me to improve the quality of the work.  I was already applying and actually submitted two applications while on the phone with my former boss as she was telling me I was done.  I told her that I was fine with it and that I put blame on the fact there was a severe lack of open communication on both ends.  I will find what I am meant to find and in the meantime I will be working on writing.  I will be testing for a position with a major MT company this week but usually that’s all just a huge waiting game.  I’m hoping to find a job within 2 weeks but that’s always a bit iffy with MT jobs.

As for weight loss, I did lose 2.2 pounds this last week. 

Here comes my cat trying to climb in front of the laptop so that I can pet her instead of type.  She’s quite offended I am ignoring her 🙂